The Brag Media

How to submit an Op-Ed essay

The Brag Media accepts opinion articles on any topic for both our print and online properties. Published pieces are typically 400 to 1,200 words, but drafts of any length within reason will be considered.

If you are sending an op-ed for consideration, please include a one-to-two line bio of yourself in the submission. Please do not assume we will know who you are. Crucially, please include annotations for all claims made, and links to references and attributions made in your article.

All submissions must be original, exclusive to The Brag Media and, for security reasons, embedded in the text of an email, not as an attachment.

Please send your submissions to [email protected].

Due to the volume of messages we receive, we do have to pass on articles which are certainly of value and interest to our readers. If you do not hear from us within three business days, you should feel free to offer it elsewhere.

What, exactly, is an Op-Ed?

Anything can be an Op-Ed. Personal accounts, commentary or reflections on timely issues, cultural trends and news, and explanatory essays will all be considered. However, we are after well structured, well composed, fact-based (and attributed when this is the case) opinions that our audience will deem worthy.

Fill out the form below with your Op-Ed pitch.

    While The Brag Media believes in paying journalists for their work, including freelancers, we do not usually pay for submitted opinion pieces unless specifically commissioned for an agreed price ahead of time.