1. The First Record I Bought

It was a double purchase. Two cassettes. First, Silverchair’s Frogstomp… because all the other kids at school were listening to it. Second, Meatloaf’s Bat Out Of Hell, because I thought the cover was cool. Jumping Harley Davidsons over fire, et cetera.

2. The Last Record I Bought

Pharrell Williams – G I R L. I’m a big fan of anything Pharrell touches. I’m a sucker for good pop music, and really dig his production – quite often not the ‘norm’.

3. The First Thing I Recorded

I started recording demos of my own music when I was about ten years old. I figured out how to use Dad’s old stereo, and how to multitrack, so I would spend hours experimenting. After that, when we did our first ‘professional recording’, I remember thinking to myself, “Yep, this is what I want to do… Only I have to get a lot better at this.” Ha.

4. The Last Thing I Recorded

The most recent recording I have done is on our third album Raise The People. I’m proud of this one. It was produced by a selection of people in different studios (Tom Larkin, Steven Schram, Mike Crossey) and mixed by Tchad Blake. We also did a bit of the recording and production ourselves.

5. The Record That Changed My Life

Hopefully this one! [Laughs] OK, seriously… there are heaps. But one that pops into mind is Rage Against The Machine’s self-titled. Just a ballsy album. Who doesn’t want to sound that tough?

Raise The People is out now through Cooking Vinyl. See Calling All Cars at Manning Bar on Thursday March 20.

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