I burn! I pine! I perish! In news that can only be described as revelatory, 10 Things I Hate About You director Gil Junger has revealed that the film’s co-stars Julia Stiles and Joseph Gordon-Levitt dated post-production.
Gil Junger recently appeared as a special guest on the YouTube series Mirá a Quién Encontré (Look Who I Found), where he delved into the pair’s off-screen romance.
“They were very, very attracted to each other,” Junger said of the two. “She’s professing her love to [onscreen boyfriend Heath Ledger] and she’s in love with a guy waiting in his trailer to shoot the next scene.”
Junger noted that Stiles and Gordon-Levitt only shared a few scenes together. “She, for a minute or 10, went out with Joseph Gordon-Levitt,” he continued.“They were very, very attracted to each other, which was cool.”
On the films climactic scene, where Julia Stiles recites that oh-so-heartbreaking poem to Heath Ledger and caused irreparable damage to women’s expectations of romance forever, Junger mused: “She’s, like, professing her love to Heath, and she’s in love with the guy who’s waiting in his trailer to shoot the next scene,” Junger continued. “Yeah, but watching them, it was beautiful how much they enjoyed each other.
A word to the wise, rattling off an extensive list of all the things you despise about a man will not get you a Fender axe. Though if your goal is to get yourself blocked on Instagram and profoundly damage your reputation, there’s really nothing more effective!
“That was maybe one of the most moving performances I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen plenty,” he recalled of the scene. “It just killed me. It was so raw, and it was so honest, and it was so vulnerable. I even asked her—I said, ‘Where did that come from?’ And she told me, ‘I was just thinking about’—that person’s name that she was deeply in love with at the time.”
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You can check out Gil Junger talk 10 Things I Hate About You on Look Who I Found below.