Even though it might not be true that you can have too much of a good thing – seriously, which grump came up with that line? – it’s certainly possible to be overloaded with opportunity.
Sydney Comedy Festival 2016 is so packed with performers that navigating the whole thing can be a thankless task. To that end, and because we’re such helpful folks, we’ve drawn up a list of the acts you’d be a fool to miss.
1.Neel Kolhatkar:Neel Before Me
The Comedy Store, Wednesday April 20 andFactory Theatre, Thursday April 21 – Sunday April 24
Those who view YouTube comedians as mere pretenders would do well to check out Neel Kolhatkar’sNeel Before Me, a searing yet far-from-serious analysis of the media, race relations, and of course, the much-blighted bogan.
2. Tommy Dean:Lessons Learnt Gaming
Factory Theatre, Friday April 22
Ever found a game of Scrabble side-splittingly funny? No? Neither have we. But Tommy Dean isn’t like the rest of us, and has managed to transform the somewhat dry subject of board games into a quirky, memorable comedy show.
The Comedy Store, Thursday April 21 – Friday April 22
Kyle Kinane knows what you’ve been saying about him. In fact he named his TV specialI Liked His Old Stuff Better, after the most persistent of your criticisms. He’ll be bringing that unique mix of the self-depreciating and the self-aware to his show at The Comedy Store.
Enmore Theatre, Thursday April 21 – Sunday April 24
Despite the aggressive, war-like connotations of its title, Conquer is actually a nuanced, hilarious look at lost love and the ephemeral nature of modern romance. Go figure.
The Comedy Store, Thursday April 28 – Sunday May 1
Lawrence Mooney is the kind of comedian who needs no introduction, an Aussie legend as famous for his live shows as for his television appearances. Just make sure you only say very nice things about Moonman, or he’ll have a go at you on Twitter.
5.The Umbilical Brothers:Speedmouse
Enmore Theatre, Saturday May 7
The Umbilical Brothers aren’t a comedy act, they’re a goddamn Australian institution. Seriously, you don’t need us to tell you to hit up a show that was once described as “Marcel Marceau on really good drugs”. You should have already bought tickets.
6.Theatresports National Championships
Enmore Theatre, Sunday April 24
Who doesn’t love watching some of the most quick-witted comedians around improvising up a storm? The Theatresports National Championships will see contemporary comedy’s best and brightest go head to head in a furious battle of resolve.
Enmore Theatre, Friday May 6 andThe Concourse, Chatswood, Saturday May 7
Comedy might be a laughing matter, but it’s still a serious business. Aussie comic and media personality Kitty Flanagan will be seriously funny when she presents an encore performance of her 2015 show, including tunes from her sister Penny Flanagan.
Enmore Theatre, Thursday April 28 – Sunday May 1
Justin Hamilton’s press photo depicts him reading a book about Bowie with a toy monkey dressed in a wide-brimmed hat sitting on his shoulder. There is literally nothing else you need to know about the comedian.
Sydney Town Hall, Friday April 22 – Sunday April 24
Missed out on the show that Time Out described as “absolute genius” back when it first hit our shores in 2013? Don’t despair – you’ve got a rare second opportunity, as Workman is all set to tour his raucous gig Ave Loretta once more.
10.Sammy J & Randy:Sammy J & Randy Land
Enmore Theatre, Sunday May 1
Sammy J and Randy have opened their own theme park! Given that this is a comedy show, I’m sure that absolutely nothing will go wrong, and proceedings will run without a hitch. Right?
11.David Quirk, Approaching Perfection
Factory Theatre, Thursday April 21 – Sunday April 24
It takes guts to choose about as grand a brag as one can imagine for the title of your comedy show. Luckily, David Quirk has the talent to back up his claims. Get ready: this is going to be a good one. Perfect, some might say.
Sydney Comedy Festival 2016 runs from Monday April 18 to Sunday May 15.