Over yonder in America, it is officially National Video Game Day.
Everybody is posting pictures of cosplay and game cartridges with a cute little hashtag, it’s a whole event.
However for us Australians, it is no such thing, but why should we miss out on the fun?
Video games have built this nation from the ground up, I mean where would we be without Gold Miner?
Almost all of us have some memory or other of a video game soundtrack or song, and just hearing it back always sparks joy.
Here are 8 of the most iconic video game tracks that will always give us that warm nostalgia feeling inside.
1. ‘Underground Theme’ – Super Mario Bros.
Be honest, you’ve gotten down to the Underground Theme at least once in your life.
It’s a timeless bop that has lasted throughout time, and never ceases to entertain.
Although nobody enjoyed encountering spiky shells and piranha plants in the underground levels, this classic will always bring about memories.
2. ‘Tetris Theme’ – Tetris
Be warned before you press play – this song will get stuck in your head.
Shoutout to the straight-lined block, you were always our hero.
3. ‘Main Theme’ – The Legend of Zelda
Iconic, timeless, and otherworldly, The Legend of Zelda knew how to use music to its advantage.
In fact, most songs from the games could have easily been on this list, but its the theme that we can’t get enough of.
4. ‘Guile’s Theme’ – Street Fighter
You may be thinking, what’s ‘Guile’s Theme’? But press play. You’ll know it for sure.
Otherwise known as America’s national anthem written by Japan, this song is endlessly addictive.
5. ‘Dearly Beloved’ – Kingdom Hearts Series
More nostalgic for a younger generation, ‘Dearly Beloved’ will always have a place in our hearts.
Remember just sitting at the menu screen so this song could play? I do, and boy was it a special time.
6. ‘Green Hill Zone Theme’ – Sonic The Hedgehog
This track was always perfect for when we were told we ‘gotta go fast’ by our speedy blue friend.
Shout out to anyone who actually made it to the end of these games – there’s a reason the first level’s theme is so popular.
7. ‘Pokemon Battle Theme’ – Pokemon Series
A timeless classic that was perfected in Generation 4, the battle music will always be with us.
You can hear the sounds of Bidoofs and Starlys fainting from a while away.
8. ‘Crash Twinsanity Theme’ – Crash Twinsanity
I apologise in advance to anyone who actually owned this game.
This thing was hard as hell, kudos to you if you completed it, you have my eternal praise.
This theme song is the anthem of most of our childhood suffering.