A three story mural of Shannon Noll has been erected on the side of El Sol – a Mexican cantina in Cronulla. The piece was created by Scott Marsh, known for his large scale murals of George Michael, and Tony Abbott.
Coming up with the idea about two weeks ago, Marsh told The Brag “I ended up on Shannon Noll’s Facebook page one day and the comments on his posts were so funny. He’s such a good sport with it all, I decided I wanted to paint Nollsie.”
After putting the call out for a wall to paint on, the artist ended up with a three story space on the side of El Sol in Cronulla. The project started on Tuesday and will be finished this afternoon. Marsh said the hardest part has been the consistent going up and down to paint and then view the mural to make sure it looks right.
Marsh’ work often focuses on political subjects – during last year’s postal survey on marriage equality he created a piece of Tony Abbott with his hand down George Pell’s pants. Because of the sensitive subjects and out there concepts, his work has often been defaced, or completely removed by people against the pieces.
However the young artist remains unbothered by this; “I started doing graffiti, finding walls to paint on illegally. Sometimes it would be gone the next morning.” Marsh believes his art mainly exists online “Probably one percent of people who have seen my work have actually seen it in real life. Most of the time people find it on social media. As long as you get your photo it’s fine.”
It’s also one of the reasons that Marsh works in public spaces, “That’s the beauty of a public space instead of a gallery. If you don’t like it you can throw a bucket of paint on it.”
The Nollsie mural is one of many projects the artist is currently working on, “These things pop up really quick. I have a bunch of stuff I’m working on, but then I’ll have an idea like the Shannon Noll one and drop everything to do that.”
You can see the finished piece this evening at El Sol in Cronulla, and check out more of Scott’s work here.
Watch Shannon Noll offer inside goss on his music videos below: