I place high value in dreams. I’m one of those people who regularly lucid dream, meaning I know that I’m in a dream and can control my environment accordingly. Basically I can fly if I feel like it, travel anywhere, levitate objects, meet anyone and a whole lot more beyond.
A simple way to develop your abilities to dream lucidly is asking yourself a simple question about eight times each day, “Am I in a dream?”
Getting into the habit of appraising your reality seeps into your consciousness, and pretty soon you’re actually asleep and dreaming when you ask yourself, “Am I in a dream?”
This time, the answer will be yes. Suddenly you’re conscious of how strange and surreal your surroundings have become.
The first few times you achieve this, you may quickly wake up. That’s part of it. When you realise you’re in a dream, usually you’ll wake up.
The next phase of learning to lucid dream is to realise you’re in a dream state but retain the ability to remain asleep.
Once you develop that muscle it’s off to the races.
You simply choose to stay in the moment, to pick up objects and start talking to people. You can get into some incredible conversations with dream characters. Think Inception or Waking Life. They often don’t like when you start changing things.
In fact it can get downright creepy. But friends, despite how unsettling the dream world can become once you’re free to explore, I urge you to pursue it.
Make use of that time for moments far crazier than near anything you can find in the “real” world.