The Australian Centre for the Moving Image are calling out for young creatives to enter Australia’s biggest student film competition, Screen It.

This year school students around the country will create works around the theme of Mystery.

Budding filmmakers, animators and game designers can enter a Live Action film, Animation or Video game through their school or independently, as an individual or in a team.

For the first time this year, entries will be judged in three separate age groups- Foundation to Year 4, Years 5 to 8, and Years 9 to 12.

Screen It is a free, annual film competition open to all Australian primary and secondary school students. In 2015 the competition received a record 502 entries from 1,916 students from right across Australia.

Students and teachers can register their interest now to receive email updates with useful resources, and a step-by-step guide to Screen It entrants here. ACMI will accept submissions between Monday August 1 and Monday September 19.

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