After you’ve had your fill of all the bloody glorious art that’s bubbling and glistening in the nooks and crannies of Sydney’s lil’ lanes (yes, we have them too), you had better not take your culturally hungry self home.

By no means could you justify going home when there is the after pArty of all after pArtys on offer. On Wednesday June 1 from 8pm, to the earleh, earleh morn, the monthly official unofficial kick-on event will be thrusting open its door to you and some fab, fresh artists to keep it all blazing bright and tight.

Featured artist trio 110% are joining forces with Hissy Fit and LOMB (L’Oasis Mercedes Brotherhood) to create the ultimate triad. Get deep in the crevice of these three threesomes as they allure you to the cult of art and the powerful projection performances.

After pArty is on Wednesday June 1 from 8pm at Freda’s.

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