Just a few weeks from release, and Apex Legends players are already clamouring for new skins, weapons, characters – basically, anything to spend some cash on.
Now, as revealed in a video posted by Respawn Entertainment, we’re about to be treated to a brand new weapon, due in an update any moment now.
Get ready to cry havoc—a new gun is coming to King's Canyon pic.twitter.com/w8LNa2GDWn
— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) February 19, 2019
“Get ready to cry havoc,” the devs tease, “a new gun is coming to King’s Canyon.”
We’re guessing that means the gun is named the ‘Havoc’, but beyond that, the short teaser clip lets us glean a few tidbits of info ahead of its official unveiling in-game.
It appears to be an automatic assault rifle, with a pretty fast rate of fire, and some sort of charge-up secondary fire mode – rail gun style. It also seems to use energy ammo, based on the electric blue pulses coming out of the barrel, putting the under-utilised green ammo type to good use.
We’ll know more when the update hits, but for now, we’re already imagining getting torn to shreds by one of these things being held by far more capable hands than our own.
Or, as the devs reported yesterday, one of the 1,000 hackers being banned for cheating every day since the game’s release.
Read: Apex Legends is banning 1,000 cheaters a day – here’s how you can help