A Reddit post has sparked discussion about whether sitting on the single seat on trains – when someone else is in the other seat – is okay.
Alright, let’s settle the debate: you know those single seats on trains? Yes, the ones that face each other. Would you sit in said seat if the seat across from it was already occupied? Turns out, Aussies have massive differences in opinions when it comes to the answer to that question – if a viral Reddit thread is anything to go by.
It all started when a Redditor who had recently moved to Sydney took to the platform to vent their frustration about the single seats on the trains. They objected to people keeping their luggage/bags on the single seat across from them, calling it ‘disrespectful and frustrating’.
This sparked a discussion that spanned more than a thousand comments, resulting in the thread eventually being locked down. Some people argued that people generally aren’t that rude – if you ask, they’d remove the bags and you can be on your merry way.
“100% People sometimes need a little push to be polite. Like a child that forgets to say thank you,” said one comment. “‘Hey mate, is it cool if I sit here?’ Very rarely will you get a no.”
Some, on the other hand, thought that sitting in that single chair – especially when the one across from it was occupied – is awkward.
“Has anyone actually shared this seat with anyone? It is the most awkward spot with a complete stranger.” said one comment, while another added that they weren’t particularly fond of having their knees touching a stranger’s.
“To be fair, that specific seat on the city rail trains is an honest no go. No one sits there if someone is sitting across.” said another, which got numerous agreements. Many added that it was an ‘unspoken code’ to not share the seat with anyone, and that they would rather stand.
Another commenter said: “Nah there is no way you expect to sit in that seat. You want to play footsies with a stranger?”
And the crowning jewel: “That seat is the Sydney Trains equivalent of using the middle urinal.”
While others didn’t particularly mind sharing (or not sharing) the seat with someone, they did have more practical concerns.
“As someone is 6’4” and had someone occupy that seat opposite me brings me closer to someone than I have been in a long time.” one commenter pointed out, while another said that they’d be wary of sitting ‘knee-to-knee with a stranger, especially not post-COVID.’
So, do you guys think the single seat is the ‘Sydney Trains equivalent of using the middle urinal’?
Check out the full thread: