Beloved animated series Arthur will be saying goodbye to fans after 25 years on air, with the last episode airing in January 2022.

After 25 years on air, beloved kids series Arthur is coming to an end. The show, which holds the record for the longest-running children’s animated series in history, is set to air its last episode in January 2022.

The news broke after Arthur co-creator Kathy Waugh disclosed during an appearance on Finding D.W. Podcast that the show was no longer in production, and that the team had had their wrap party two years ago. She also expressed her displeasure at the show being let go of at PBS.

“I think [PBS] made a mistake, and I think Arthur should come back and I’m know I’m not alone in thinking they made a mistake. I don’t know if it was a ratings issue or if it felt like it needed to be retired. To me, it felt evergreen, like it was never going to end but it did end, we finished the last episode, season 25 two years ago.” she said.

Following this, PBS executive producer Carol Greenwald confirmed Waugh’s statement.

“Arthur is the longest-running kids animated series in history and is known for teaching kindness, empathy and inclusion through many groundbreaking moments to generations of viewers. In the winter of 2022, the 25th and final season of Arthur will debut. Arthur will continue to be available on PBS KIDS for years to come.”

She also added, however, that there is possibility of “additional Arthur content”, but declined to provide any more details.

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First aired in 1996, Arthur followed the story of the eponymous character, an aardvark, as he grew up learning tidbits about family, life, and friends. Over its 25-year run, the show became a pop-culture mainstay and phenomenon, known for its diverse characters and progressive approach to social issues.

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