Two contestants from the upcoming season of The Bachelor have dished about the ‘partner-swapping’ twist on the show.
If you’ve been out of the loop, the next season of The Bachelor features three eligible men whom contestants will be vying for. To make things more interesting, the show introduced a ‘partner-swap’, wherein contestants were encouraged to ‘explore’ their chemistry and relationships with all three men, and vice versa.
Now, in an interview with Courier Mail, contestants Jasmine Absolom and Eboni Burling have spoken more about what the partner-swapping actually entails, including their shock at being told of the upgraded concept initially.
“That [three Bachelors] was definitely a shock,” Jasmine said. “You go in there with your person and you are told straight away that you are able to explore and look at other options.”
She didn’t mind though, since she thought it gave the women more power over choosing the partner they wanted. “In previous seasons … if you don’t like them, it’s sort of like, too bad. Whereas this season, if you don’t like them or something’s not going right, you have other options and you’re able to explore them.” she added.
Eboni, who revealed she had met with one of the Bachelors, added: “With that initial meeting, it was nice to just be familiar with one and then get to know the others as you go.”
Good for the ladies, but apparently not for all of them.
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Amidst hype for the latest season, contestant Jessica Tomlinson found herself in hot water with Channel 10 due to an unauthorised appearance on Married At First Sight.
Tomlinson was maid of honour at MAFS bride Bronte Schofield’s wedding, but soon revealed that she recognised her groom Harrison Boon as the guy one of her The Bachelor co-stars was hooking up with.
Channel 10, however, did not take kindly to Tomlinson featuring so heavily in promos for a competitor show, especially since her contract strictly forbade her from appearing on other shows without explicit approval from the network. As a result, the network has now heavily edited her appearance on The Bachelor to ‘make it look like she wasn’t there.’
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