Back At The Dojo is the new play from quirky creative Lally Katz, whose playwrighting pursuits have seen her conjure up side-splitting dramas revolving around her colourful family.
Katz has written to the beat of her own family drum and it has turned out marvelously. With notable worksNeighbourhood WatchandThe Catdisplaying a talent for hilarious storytelling punctuated with raw and vulnerable moments, Katz is set to launch her new playBack At The Dojocome June at Belvoir St Theatre.
Having transparently displayed the inner peaks and troughs of a life exuberantly lived, Katz now turns her gaze to the lives of her parents and the larger-than-life myths that have circulated family gatherings.
Featuring a glorious and vibrant parade of characters, a real life karate master, and fight sequences to rival The Matrix, Back At The Dojo is sure to be an exhilerating ride of family intrigue, raw vulnerability and the stories that hold us all together.
Image: Brett Boardman
Back At The Dojo plays at Belvoir St Theatre, Saturday June 18 until Sunday July 17.