Sometimes, the apple falls so gloriously far from the tree. In this case, the tree is absolute gobshite Barnaby Joyce and the apple, his daughter Odette.
The former deputy Prime Minister has been vocally opposed to the growing calls for a bill to decriminalise abortion in New South Wales. Joyce recently took part in a robocall, urging NSW residents to oppose the bill.
“Barnaby Joyce here. I’m calling on behalf of the Foundation for Human Development about the abortion bill in the NSW parliament,” he said on the recorded message. “This allows sex-selective abortions. It legalises abortions for any reason right up until the day of birth.”
Earlier this week, Joyce led an anti-abortion rally that took place in Sydney. During the rally, Joyce told the crowd that the bill “is not a reflection of a civilised society”.
“I am not here to try and espouse a religion. I’m not here saying I’m some saint. I’m here because I’m trying to argue to those people on logic,” Mr Joyce shared.
A sentiment that Joyce’s daughter, Odette, has publicly condemned. In a recent Instagram story, Odette shared a screenshot of an SBS article that reported on Joyce and his vocal anti-abortion stance.
“And once again I do not support you,” she wrote.
This isn’t the first time Odette has publicly denounced her father. In 2018, Odette shared an Instagram photo of herself, her siblings and her mother Natalie with the caption “The real Joyce family #whosbarnaby.”
Earlier that year, It was revealed that Barnaby Joyce was having an affair behind the back of Natalie — Joyce’s wife of 21 years. The affair was brought to light after Vikki Campion fell pregnant with Joyce’s child.