Italian food geniuses Ferrero are looking to hire 60 part-time taste-testers at its Italian HQ. Made famous as the home of Nutella and Ferrero Rocher, the company also manufacture Tic Tacs and the beloved Kinder Surprise.

The “sensory judges” will work for two hours, two days a week, and there’s no prior experience necessary. The company have chosen to train “regular consumers” in the hopes of “taming” their sense of taste and smell, to then teach them how to communicate the experience.

The job listing reads:

“We are looking for for people who would like to learn how to taste cocoa, hazelnut grains and other semi-finished sweet products. A paid training course (starting in September and lasting 3 months) will aim to educate the sense of smell and taste and improve the ability to express in words what will be perceived with the tasting of semi-finished products. At the end of the course, candidates deemed suitable will be hired with a long-term supply contract; it is a part-time commitment of two days a week for two hours.”

Unfortunately for us Australians, the job is in Italy. The dream of being paid to eat Nutella continues to stay just that – a dream.

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