Ice cream geniuses Ben & Jerry’s have just unveiled their latest flavour, Un-Fudge Our Future!, taking an aim at squashing fossil fuels.
Not only is Ben & Jerry’s one of the most delicious purveyors of flavour combinations when it comes to the creamy, frozen treat, but they back many social movements across the globe, and are putting renewable energy at the forefront of their latest flavour – Un-Fudge Our Future!
The new, limited edition flavour boasts not only a brilliant combination of being a non-dairy chocolate and peanut butter ice cream packed with hunks of fudge brownies and chunks of peanut butter cookie dough, but also demands that ol’ ScoMo, treasurer Josh Frydenberg and energy minister Angus Taylor “make fossil fuels history and invest in a fast and fair transition to 100% renewables.”
On top of the brilliance of the flavour, Ben & Jerry’s have also made personal pints for the head honchos in charge, and have also printed pre-addressed postcards so that us ice cream enjoyers and activist can put forth our own ideas and two-cents on how Australia can be improved with renewable energy.
“The climate crisis is getting worse every single day and despite everything that 2020 has thrown at us we have not forgotten about the horrendous bushfires earlier this year,” Ben & Jerry’s Un-Fudge Our Future! details. “If the bushfires taught us one thing it was that we need to make fossil fuels history!”
“When parliament sits next, our leaders will be making big decisions about where to spend the public’s money to reboot the economy. We need to tell them that we want a clean, resilient and fair future and that it’s time to make fossil fuels history.
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Want to take action yourself? The ice cream activists have made it simple – all you’ve got to do is head to their website, and they’ll walk you through how to email the powers at hand so we can demand a clean energy future for Australia.
Keen to try the scrumptious new flavour? Un-Fudge Our Future! is out now via delivery and local grocers.
Check out Ben & Jerry’s Instagram post:
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