Over the last decade, Black Lips have produced a wonderfully raucous collection of psychedelic punk gems that have influenced a plethora of acolytes. The seventh album from the Atlanta quartet finds it broadening its musical colour palette even further.
The sleazy country-honk vibe of opener ‘Drive-By Buddy’ gives way to the snarling yelp of ‘Smiling’. ‘Make You Mine’ plays like a punked-up folk rocker. ‘Funny’ drones menacingly through its verses before bursting into an air-punching, jubilant chorus.
Much of the Underneath The Rainbow bustles along at a frenetic pace. Some of the best moments, such as the psychotic ‘Dorner Party’ and cowboy punk of ‘Justice After All’ clock in at barely two-and-a-half minutes.
‘Boys In The Wood’ could be the soundtrack to a stand-off in a punk Western, especially with the horns coming in during the chorus. ‘Do The Vibrate’ and ‘I Don’t Wanna Go Home’ play like two sides of an after-midnight rendezvous/argument. The album closes with the glam stomper ‘Dandelion Dust’ and the ’90s alt-rocker ‘Dog Years’.
Underneath The Rainbow is another fine addition to Black Lips’ catalogue. The wannabes are still lagging behind.
3.5/5 Stars