From the nuanced and edgy hands of indie theatre company, Two Peas comes a raw new play Drift, which tackles head on the taboo topics of youth suicide, grief and loss.
In challenging new work, Drift, writers Tara Clark and Kieran Foster were moved by the unavoidable statistics coming out of Australia and the sheer numbers of young lives lost to grief and pain. In this, their premiere work together and in collaboration with a talented ensemble cast and crew, Drift has come to be an acutely raw play, unafraid to expose in painful transparency the tumultuous times of those in their early 20s battling all host of demons.
The asphyxiating confusion, anger and enveloping grief that can invade a person’s life with blistering forcewhen confronted by loss, is a topic all too neglected. Two Peas and its team has seen fit to delve into this delicate and turbulent caveat to open up a dialogue so as to usher in open exploration and questioning.
A play such as this, within such intelligent and perceptive hands, is sure to be a challenging and deeply edifying experience.
Image: Lee Nutter
Drift commences Wednesday July 20 and runs until Saturday July 30 at the ATYP.