If you haven’t wrapped your gob around a bagel brimming with cream cheese from Brick Lane Beigel Bake, then you haven’t really been to London. Brick Lane Beigel Bake is a Shoreditch institution, and now it’s coming to Sydney.
Slyfox in Enmore has unveiled its new diner, Salt Beef Beigel. Named after the most iconic beigel available for purchase in East London institution. If you’ve never experienced a Salt Beef Beigel, picture juicy slabs of cured beef, thick gherkins and impossibly yellow mustard sandwiched between sumptuous pillowy bagels.
The diner currently has two beigels on offer, their take on the salt beef beigel — which features 18-hour slow cooked wagyu beef brisket, crunchy pickles, mustard and fresh daily baked soft Jewish beigels— and a vegan chickpea crusted cauliflower beigel.
They also have a selection of sauces that has Nandos digging itself an early grave. I honestly felt my heart rate accelerate when I read that there would be chip shop curry sauce on offer. I just hope they have the good sense to combine curry sauce with chicken salt for a complete commonwealth degustation. Check out what the menu has on offer below.
Salt Beef Beigels is open now, head to Slyfox in Enmore to satiate all your cravings.
Salt Beef Beigel
Address: SLYFOX
199 Enmore Road, Enmore
Kitchen opening hours:
Tuesday to Thursday: 6 pm – 10 pm
Friday & Saturday: 6 pm – 12 am