It’s been revealed that former The Bachelor stars Brooke Blurton and Abbie Chatfield are no longer friends.
Brooke self eliminated when only two other women were left on Nick Cummin’s season of the show in 2018, and Abbie came runner up on Matt Agnew’s season in 2019. Both women starred in separate seasons of Bachelor in Paradise Australia and Brooke went on to become the first openly bi-sexual Bachelorette in the world in 2021.
Because of their link through the reality franchise, the two women formed a strong friendship shortly after their original seasons aired. However, their relationship hit a rough patch when Brooke’s season of The Bachelorette was airing.
Abbie started dating one of the men, Konrad Bien, who was a contestant on Brooke’s season while the season was still airing (but had finished filming). The new couple announced their relationship before he was eliminated from the show, and Brooke wasn’t happy that the suspense of her season had been ruined.
Brooke took aim at Abbie on social media at the time, and the latter apologised on Instagram. However, it seems that the former friends haven’t buried the hatchet. During an Instagram Q&A over the weekend, Brooke was asked if she was friends with Abbie again.
“Unfortunately no, that one stung for a while. I had a lot of respect for Abbie, still do but as a friend, was really hurted by how she neglected our friendship,” Blurton responded on Instagram.
She continued: “still value what she does in the media/social/advocacy work, though I can compartmentalise and say that once a friend hurts me, I can’t always look past that.
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“If she genuinely opened the line up for communication, I would have been able too, but she made her mind up to avoid anything to do with me.
“So I had accepted that as an answer to close that chapter of our friendship. Think she’s still great if you connect and resonate with her. Though not my jam.”
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