Comedians Andrew Schulz, Neal Brennan and Akaash Singh have sat down for a chinwag about Kim Kardashians’s SNL monologue. 

Prior to appearing on the show, a lot of doubt was cast upon Kim by the general public, with many social media users doubting that she’d be able to pull off comedy. During her first skit – the infamous SNL monologue – Kardashian tore into her family and had the audience in fits of laughter.

Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh bought comedian Neal Brennan onto their podcast Flagrant 2 to talk about the monologue. Neal Brennan has previously written for SNL.

During the chat, Schulz drilled Brennan about whether he wrote Kardashian’s monologue.

“The rumour is that somebody, not Kim Kardashian, wrote her monologue. That it wasn’t penned by Kim but a writing team was assembled to write those jokes for her,” Schulz said.

“I have no idea who wrote it. And somebody told me that, I think Schumer wrote it, and Seth Rogan was somehow involved. I have no idea,” Brennan said.

Despite it being unclear who actually wrote the monologue, all of the comedians agreed that she did a great job at it.

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“They were great jokes, I watched the whole monologue. She delivered them well,” said Schulz.

Discussing her delivery, Brennan believes that she could have spoken slower, but Schulz said he liked the quick pace she spoke at.

“I like that she didn’t pause. I like that she bit the end of the laugh. Because usually when you have someone like a politician or something that goes up there that’s never done standup they just wait and then it’s a restart. She was able to build some momentum because she was catching the end of the laugh,” said Schulz.

“I think she could have increased the pleasure of the audience by 30%. It’s one of these things where you’re like what the fuck is happening? This is so good. And by the end of it, you’re like what the fuck is happening, like what is happening?

“And by the end of it, you’re like, I think this lady just did 14 perfect jokes in a row?” Said Brennan.

For more on this topic, follow the Comedy Observer.

Watch the Full clip of Andrew Schulz, Neal Brennan and Akaash Singh discussing Kim Kardashian’s SNL Monologue:

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