The off-Broadway hitThe Credeaux Canvas is coming to Australia, with a two-week run announced at the Seymour Centre in early 2015.

Keith Bunin’s play focuses itself on three young aspiring artists in the East Village of Manhattan as it explores central themes of obsession, desire, disillusionment and relationships. The New York Times called it “one of the finest contemporary dramas to come out of the US”.

The new production of the play will be directed by Dan Eady (This Is Our Youth) and performed by James Wright, Felix Johnson, Emilie Cocquerel and Lisa Chappell.

Lambert House Enterprises & Bryce Hallett present Keith Bunin’s The Credeaux Canvas, which is running at The Reginald Theatre at the Seymour Centre from Thursday January 29 – Saturday February 14. Tickets are available now starting at $28.

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