Demon Slayer Season 2 sees censorship in the form of the wives of Tengen for its Chinese release and fans are reacting.

Demon Slayer Season 2 is seeing some changes for its Chinese release due to the country’s censorship policies. The three wives of Tengen are animated with clothing that covers up much more of their bodies for the Chinese release, a change that sparked much debate from fans of the anime. Here are their reactions.

“Demon Slayer S-2 Chinese Censorship #Kimetsu #KNY

“modern sweaters doesn’t exist in the Beginning of the 20 century in Japan …”

“Its better in my opinion lol, the big tits…are so unnecessary”

“A body is a body at the end of the day, big or small it’s normal”

“so proud of the ppl here realizing it’s the good thing to do since we know for a fact, women/girls are overly sexualized in animes and Japanese culture. They shouldn’t even be sexualized first of all”

“This is why China is such a strong country, not unnecessarily sexualising women”

“It’s women’s body Women’s choice on what they wear Especially when DS was written by a woman Censorship is just China saying women with big tiddies are automatically vulgar and should cover them up”

“ThaTz G0oD C3nZoRsHiP”

“everyone is saying that chinese shouldn’t censor boobs because its just natural lmao. but thats not the point. i think what china is trying to do is make it so that viewers wont sexualize woman as much. with anime so ecchi these days, it greatly impacts the viewers thoughts”

“Instead of accustoming people to the fact that bodies are different, that this is the norm and that this should be treated adequately – they will only increase people’s sexual tension and inadequate reaction in real life It’s not about sexuality, it’s about inappropriate behavior”

“that is the best censorship ever. in my country probably gonna ended up somewhat like this:”

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