As if 2020 hasn’t already been scary enough, Domino’s has launched a Roulette Pizza just in time for the spooky season. 

Created in celebration of Halloween, the Domino’s Roulette Pizza is just like any other… except that one slice is casually spiked with sauce from one of the hottest chilli peppers in the world.

Those who are up to the challenge can order any pizza on a classic base from the menu, which will then have one slice spiked with hidden Ghost Chilli sauce.

The sauce, made out of Yellow Bhut Jolokia chillies, is transparent in colour, meaning unlucky punters won’t know they have picked the cursed slice until they have already tasted it.

In a statement, Domino’s Australia and New Zealand CEO Nick Knight promised the sauce woild live up to the hype, saying, “it will give your taste buds an experience they will never forget.”

“Not knowing whether the next bite you take is the one with the hot sauce or not really adds to the thrill,” he said, “it’s perfect for sharing with fellow chilli-loving mates… or enemies.”

Much to the relief of Domino’s fans who wish to keep their taste buds in tact, they will also be selling decidedly less risky ghost-shaped Halloween cookies.

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Meanwhile, absolute renegades who are in the mood to roll the dice between get on that quickly, as the Roulette Pizzas are only available until November 1.

The pizza certainly isn’t the first memorable stunt Domino’s has pulled this year, with the company having recently offered ‘good Karens’ free pizza to help cope with the tarnishing of their name.

On top of that, May also saw them go rogue by creating a gargantuan pizza that was deemed too big to deliver.

With all this in mind, it’s safe to say we’re excited albiet slightly terrified for whatever Domino’s has in store next.

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