In a move designed to completely erase your childhood, the actor who portrayed Barney The Dinosaur from 1991 to 2001 now runs a tantric sex and massage place.
Vice tracked down and interviewed David Joyner, who kept insisting there was a natural link between his work on Barney and Friends and his current sexcapades at Tantra Harmony, in which he assists “to fully release a woman’s blocked energy.” What a guy!
“The energy I brought up in the costume is based on the foundation of tantra, which is love,” he tells Vice.
“Everything stems, grows, and evolves from love. Even when you have emotionally blocked energy, the best way to remove it is to remove it with love, and then replace it with God’s divine love. Love heals and allows you to continue to grow.”
He insists again this is a linear progression.
“Before I got into the costume, I would pray and ask God to allow his loving divine spirit to flow through me through the costume and let that draw the kids. That energy would always draw them in.
“I always said it was never an accident, and that I was meant to do this character, because a lot of the elements of Barney were a lot of the things I was training with in tantra.”
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Hmm. Mercifully, Barney was voiced by a different actor, or things could get very weird mid-‘I love you, you love me”-session.
Read the full interview here.