When was Festival Of Dreams started?

The Festival Of Dreams started at the Hordern Pavilion in 2014. It was an extension of the Embrace festivals we have been running since 2010 in Westfield Shopping centres.

What is the guiding philosophy of the event?

Our guiding philosophy has always been about bringing the mind, body and spirit together and combining them into one. I believe that to live a fully enriched life you need all three in a balanced way.

What do you think the average Festival Of Dreams attendee seems like?

The average attendee is varied and it is hard to put them into one category. Last year we found a big increase in men ranging from early 20s right through to late 50s. However, our event has always attracted women in that category too. Also, our customers do not appreciate the “wishy washy”. They are educated, intelligent and strong people who love a challenge and who believe in making changes in their lives without wasting any time.

Your website describes the Festival Of Dreams as being different from “psychic” festivals. What makes you different from these events?

We believe that you need to have your nutrition, fitness and health in order if you want to expand your spirituality to the next level. We also do not believe in just any psychic working at our event. As a professional psychic who has been working in the industry for over 25 years, I have seen people pick up a book on how to read tarot and all of a sudden the following week they are calling themselves a psychic and charging lots of money. This worries me a lot as the industry has no regulations. We are different in that we hand pick our readers and do our research well.

What do you want people to walk away from Festival Of Dreams events thinking/feeling?

I am hoping that Festival Of Dreams can become the open doorway that allows people to nourish their souls, believe in magic, love their lives and become the best person possible. We promise to give our visitors the best physical and sensory experience we can, one they can walk away from a little more transformed in their lives, embued with added confidence and a strong spiritual connection to themselves and the divine.

The Festival Of DreamsrunsFriday October 7 – Sunday October 9 at Hordern Pavilion.

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