It’s official: summer is upon us.
With the temperatures rising, Sydneysiders are now free to do what they do best – flock to the beach en masse, towels in hand and slathered in sunscreen. And aren’t we just spoilt for choice? Sydney is an embarassment of riches when it comes to scenic spots to set up and stare at the waves, and sometimes choosing a destination for your beach day can be difficult, if only because there are so many options available.
To that end, we’ve teamed up with the local start up brandMILKBEACHto list our five most beloved secluded beaches for your summertime enjoyment.
1.Milk Beach, Vaucluse
Milk Beach is a perfectly quaint, charming little locale, though finding the place does present its fair share of problems. It’s incredibly hard to get to via public transport, and parking is limited, making it a cut-off oasis that you really have to seek out.
But whoever said that beauty was easy to attain? Determined travellers whodomake it all the way to the cove will be rewarded by a truly stunning bevy of sights and sounds, and given its ‘off the beaten track’ location, the beach is often very empty, meaning you can spread out your towels, hunker down, and soak up the serenity.
2. Gordons Bay, Coogee
Another underrated spot, Gordons Bay in Coogee is perfectly suited for beach-lovers of all ages. Given the cove is sheltered, it’s also largely untouched by significant wave action, so even those who aren’t entirely confident swimmers will be able to take to the water with ease.
Better still, it’s another perfect place for a touch of snorkeling, given the bay is well known for its family of blue gropers and other assorted marine life. After all, who could pass up the opportunity to go and visit Bluey, and, as this helpful video describes them, “his women”?
3. Lady Bay Beach,Sydney Harbour National Park
Here’s one for all you naturalists out there – Sydney Harbour’s Lady Bay Beach (AKA Lady Jane Beach) is one of our fair city’s few nudist-friendly spots, meaning all those lusting after a full body tan should head over, pronto.
Now, though it’s true some beachgoers have a fair share of reluctance when it comes to stripping off, the Lady Jane atmosphere is so relaxed that even never-nudes might consider stripping down, and Janers are so friendly by nature that it’s hard not to get swept up in the joy of lettin’ it all get bared.
Even Arrested Development‘s Tobias might consider embracing Lady Jane’s no-clothes attitude.
Ample swathes of flesh aside, the location also boasts some truly fantastic views and, excitingly, very rarely gets busy given the ‘Strayan consensus about wearing your togs to the beach.
4.Mahon Pool, Maroubra
Although nottechnicallya beach, the Mahon ocean pool at Maroubra is still a perfect place for both serious swimmers seeking to pound laps and children and families looking to snorkel about the place in the hunt for curious-looking wildlife. It’s one of those spots that really does have something for everyone, and best of all, is often surprisingly unpopulated.
Photo:Flickr/Dave Manwell
Indeed, Mahon is a bit of a Sydney institution: hanging off the chain-link fence seperating the pool from the ocean while the waves knock you about is a rite of passage, an exceedingly simple pleasure that has kept children occupied for decades. Get on it, huh?
5. Chinamans Beach, Mosman
As far as politically correct names go, this one isn’t exactly a winner. And yet what Chinamans Beach lacks in tact, it more than makes up for in terms of picturesque sights and sounds. The spot has been described by those at as one of our city’s “most genteel residential enclaves”, and, for the record, “genteel” is the perfect word to use.
If that wasn’t enough, Chinamans Beach is another perfect example of a truly secluded spot – one that only gets visited by those in the know, meaning that you’ll never have trouble finding a place to mark out as your own in the sand as you sit back and soak in the rays.
Main photo: Flickr/Jayphen
VisitMILKBEACHand browse their range of 100 per cent responsibly sourced and made luxury towels designed in Vaucluse, perfect for your summertime fun.