1. Growing Up

When I was only a baby I started playing drums all by myself with sticks on the cooking pots.

My father was a musician and played drums in a psychedelic rock band (which was based in Berlin), so I suppose that was always going to rub off on me. My mum was a big fan of music and was always listening to music loud in our flat. We also regularly went to some live concerts.

2. Inspirations

Radiohead, The Cure, David Bowie, Devin The Dude, et cetera… I guess the list will be neverending if I listed all my favourite acts! But they are all still good and I still love to listen to the music that inspired me at a young age. It’s not just music, though, as I’m also influenced in day-to-day life by various things. For example, when I’m making music in my studio and working on a track, creating a mood, doing sound design, et cetera, and your cat is just chilling on the floor – that can be inspiring too!

3. Your Crew

My crew that I work with is the Pasta Musik label and crew. I’m always exchanging music with my label partner and fellow DJ, Anette Party, who I’ve been working together with since 2006. My friends and buddies in everyday life are very important to me and definitely part of my crew.

4. The Music You Make And Play

People can expect all my upcoming Australian sets to be very spontaneous, as I never plan what I’m going to play. I can say that on this tour you may hear some techno from acts like Ben Klock, Luke Slater and Lawrence.

5. Music, Right Here, Right Now

That is hard to say right now. I just had some time off so I didn’t go out a lot, but the last concert I went to was a German rap musician called Haftbefehl. That was a pretty good show.

[Daniel Bortz photo by Vitali Gelwich hotography]

Daniel Bortz plays S.A.S.H By Day as part of Movement Sydney 2015, at the Greenwood HotelonSunday October 25, with Gabby, Jake Hough, Matt Weir and Kerry Wallace.

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