Is there anything creepier?
It’s like 1am, your kid and partner are safely asleep and some creepy ass toy is laughing with sound effects firing off on the other side of your house.
And bitch, now you gotta go and check it out.
This is an ULTIMATE thing they don’t tell you about becoming a parent. When your newborn comes home, most likely they come with a whole bunch of toys and gifts from friends and family.
At least one of those toys will be one with faulty built-in sound effects that will activate in the night. For us it was one of those spinning wheels that land on an animal, and we’d have this messed up horse making noises.
Easy to imagine some extra-dimensional f*#kery happening.
It will creep you the hell out, being sleep deprived as you are already, right up until you quietly throw that accursed toy right in the bin..
I was inspired to write this by a Paw Patrol helicopter triggering itself in the early hours for no reason. Sweet dreams.