I’ve got a golden ticket! Streets have channelled the divine power of Mr. Willy Wonka in their latest marketing campaign. They are celebrating the 60th anniversary of their most iconic ice cream, the Golden Gaytime, in the most scrumdiddlyumptious way.
That’s right, Golden Gaytimes have been providing Aussie’s with delicious, honey-comb biscuit cover sticks of deliciousness for sixty whole years. What a bloody milestone.
To celebrate, streets have slipped a golden ticket into six Golden Gaytimes. If you are lucky enough to stumble into one of these tickets, there’s a pretty fantastic prize awaiting you. Thankfully, Streets will not fund a trip to a confectionary factory that murders children. No, they will give you the option to choose between a lifetime supply of Golden Gaytimes or $10,000.
We’re not judging you if you choose to go for the lifetime supply of Golden Gaytimes, but we’re ENCOURAGING you to go for the cash. $10,000 worth of Gaytimes is like, 4,705 ice-creams, which is ice cream a day for 12 years. A little excessive. But the Golden Gaytime T&C’s state that you’ll only get 1742 ice creams. SO it’s a massive stitch up anyway.
So there you have it. You could be 10k richer by simply indulging your sweet tooth. Call up your mates and work out a Golden Gaytime syndicate. You can’t have a Gaytime on your own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯