For the first time the Good Pitch² Documentary Festival will be hitting our shores.
Seven extraordinary Australian documentaries have been selected for their willingness to take on heavy social agendas and thereby instigate social change. Good Pitch² is a global documentary forum devised by BRITDOC and the Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program. The films presenting at the Sydney event areCall Me Dadby Sophie Wiesner, about men who have perpretrated or are at risk of perpetrating family violence;Constance On The Edgeby Belinda Mason, about a Sudanese refugee in Wagga Wagga;Richard Todd’s Frackman, about activist Dayne Pratzky;Gayby Babyby Charlotte Mars, about same-sex marriage; Hollie Fifer’s David-and-Goliath land battle doco The Opposition; Damon Gameau’sThat Sugar Film(yes, about sugar); and Zach’s Ceremonyby Aaron Petersen, about a city-raised boy reconnecting with his indigenous roots.
The whole shebang will take place on Wednesday October 8 at the Sydney Opera House. For tickets emailhere. Formore information on the films selected and the event in general headhere.