Green Knight and Slumdog Millionaire actor, Dev Patel, was recently in Australia when he happened across a stabbing, which he then stopped.

Dev Patel, who starred in movies such as The Green KnightSlumdog MillionaireLionHotel Mumbai, and The Last Airbender, was recently strolling around Adelaide CBD with a group of friends when they happened upon an unfortunate crime in progress.

It was roughly 8:45 pm local time on Gouger street when they saw two people in an altercation, one of them using a knife. The couple continued to fight in a nearby service station where bystanders attempted to break them up before the attacker eventually stabbed the other person in the altercation with a knife.

Representatives for Patel said he, “witnessed a violent altercation that was already in progress outside of a convenience story,” and that he “acted on his natural instinct to try and de-escalate the situation and break up the fight.”

“Dev acted on his natural instinct to try and de-escalate the situation and break up the fight,” they told

Dev’s representatives continued to go on about the incident, “The group was thankfully successful in doing so, and they remained on site to ensure that the police and eventually the ambulance arrived.”

“There are no heroes in this situation and sadly this specific incident highlights a larger systemic issue of marginalized members of society not being treated with the dignity and respect they deserve,” Patel’s representatives said.

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Patel’s team went on to finish with a statement about what they hope will come out of the situation.

“The hope is that the same level of media attention this story is receiving (solely because Dev, as a famous person, was involved) can be a catalyst for lawmakers to be compassionate in determining long-term solutions to help not only the individuals who were involved but the community at large.”

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