Coronavirus lockdown has been hard for many of us across the world – but spare a thought for Gwyneth Paltrow who was so stressed amid her time indoors that she actually broke down and ate bread…

Forget the 3.3 million deaths around the globe or the second-wave crisis currently affecting countries like India and Brazil, nothing is more harrowing than the revelation that the pandemic lead to movie star Paltrow eating something of the carb variety during her time locked down in her million-dollar mansion.

Not only that, but Paltrow admitted she flew “totally off the rails” during the pandemic and “drank alcohol” while in lockdown. Shock, horror!

In fact, she even created a drink called the “Buster Paltrow”, which is made from quinoa whiskey. Of course.

Gwyneth opened up about her darkest secrets in an interview with The Mirror, admitting: “I drank alcohol during quarantine.

“I was drinking seven nights a week and making pasta and eating bread. I went totally off the rails.

“I mean, who drinks multiple drinks seven nights a week? Like that’s not healthy,” she said, as we desperately attempt to hide the empty bottles of cider littering the floor.

Paltrow continued: “I love whiskey and I make this fantastic drink called the Buster Paltrow, which I named after my grandfather who loved whiskey sours.

“And it’s this great quinoa whiskey from this distillery in Tennessee with maple syrup and lemon juice. It’s just heaven. I would have two of those every night of quarantine.”

Once again, social media has gone to town with this info over Gwynnie’s ongoing penchant for being utterly unrelatable to the average human.

One Twitter user truly put things into perspective, writing: “The low point of my pandemic was my mother dying during the summer (non-COVID) and not knowing how to deal with it. Bread was comfort. Anyway, back to you, Gwyneth Paltrow.”

A second user said in a similar vein: “It WAS my dad getting covid but now it’s finding out Gwyneth Paltrow ate bread.”

It’s not the only time the Shakespeare in Love star has proved to be way out of touch with the average Joe.

There was that time she told Conan O’Brien in 2005, “I would rather die than let my kid eat Cup-a-Soup.”

There was also the time she said in 2011, “I’d rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a tin.”

She also pissed off mums everywhere when she told told E! News in 2014: “I think it’s different when you have an office job, because it’s routine and, you know, you can do all the stuff in the morning and then you come home in the evening.

“When you’re shooting a movie, they’re like, ‘We need you to go to Wisconsin for two weeks,’ and then you work 14 hours a day and that part of it is very difficult.

“I think to have a regular job and be a mum is not as, of course there are challenges, but it’s not like being on set.”


You can read more about this topic over at the Food & Drink Observer.

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