Rumours are swirling that Heath Ledger’s daughter Matilda Ledger may be returning to her late father’s hometown of Perth to spend some time with his family.

Matilda is 18 years old and has been living in the United States with her mother, Emmy award-winning actor Michelle Williams.

“Matilda’s graduating high school in a couple of months,” a source told New Idea magazine.

“She’s keen to take a year off and head to Australia. She wants to get to see and spend time with Heath’s family before she gets down to the serious business of university in America.”

They added, “Of course, they would be thrilled to bits if Matilda was to come and spend some time with them, now that she’s old enough.”

The publication reported that Michelle Williams is concerned about Matilda being so far away from her home however, now that she’s 18, she’s legally allowed to make her own decisions.

“Matilda understands her mum’s concerns, but she has a deep need to understand the other side of her heritage,” the source added.

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Heath Ledger was known for his incredible talent and his dedication to his craft. He was a beloved figure both in Australia and around the world, and his untimely death devastated millions of people. He died at age 28 and his body was found by his masseuse and housekeeper in his New York apartment.

“Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine,” Ellen Borakove, spokeswoman for the medical examiner, said in a statement.

“It just put his whole system to sleep I guess,” Ledger’s father, Kim, told of the coroner’s findings.

He continued: “It was a one-off thing. That’s what killed us, because he was warned by his sister the night before: ‘You shouldn’t mix what you’re taking for pneumonia with your Ambien.'”

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