Originally written in 1902 by renowned playwright Henrik Ibsen, Hedda Gabler returns to Sydney’s Belvoir Theatre next month.
Belvoir’s new resident director Adena Jacobs brings the play to life as the play’s title character is embroiled in a conventional but insane life. As the selfish, jealous and overall crazy Gabler marries scholar George Tesmen and is wrapped up in his professional rivalries, she becomes recklessly destructive after a vindictive judge attempts to blackmail Gabler, setting in motion a deadly sequence of events.
With Sydney theatre legend Ash Flanders cast as the title character, Jacobs is excited for what she will add to the production. “For me it adds to the mystery and ambiguity already present in Ibsen’s play. It frames the crisis of Hedda Gableras a one of identity, and the problems of difference, rather than solely one woman’s drama.”
Hedda Gabler comes to the Belvoir on Saturday June 28 and runs until August 3.