“On Tuesday I woke up, and my iPhone X video was going viral”, reports YouTuber Brooke Peterson.

The video in question was basically a spoiler/run through of the new iPhone X before the product’s launch this Friday.

Peterson may have enjoyed her 15 minutes of fame, but the ramifications of her viral video will last a lot longer, as reports suggest that Apple fired Brooke’s father – aka the Apple engineer responsible for his daughter’s iPhone X access.


The video was removed the minute Apple caught wind of the breach, but various copies were uploaded elsewhere, and the video can still be viewed online as I type.

Peterson was swiftly fired by the notoriously-secretive company for the breach, a decision Brooke claims — in a follow up video — her father understood, and isn’t angry about. What a guy!

There are a few lessons to be learned here, but we’ll let you work out what those may be.

Enjoy the original video, below. Brooke, you’re grounded!

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