James Bay has announced he will be heading to Australia for the first time, to play shows in Melbourne and Sydney this February.

The UK troubadour had become a main stay on Brighton’s open mic scene, continuing to impress on London stages before one of his performances was filmed and uploaded to YouTube by an audience member. It caught the attention of Republic Records, who flew him out to New York the next week and signed him.

Since then he has released three EPs, had his BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge performance trend number #1 on Twitter, saw his second EP enter the iTunes top 10 and it’s title track hit #1 on the real time Shazam worldwide chart and had his most recent EP debut at #1 on the UK iTunes chart last month. Bay has been nominated for BBC Sound Of 2015 and recently won the coveted Brits 2015 Critics Choice Award and has supported the likes of The Rolling Stones, Kodaline, John Newman and Tom Odell.

James Bay will take over The Basement on Monday February 2. Tickets go on sale Thursday December 18 throughMoshtix.

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