That Jared Leto is a method actor is a fact, and when it came to Morbius, the actor did not disappoint in his dedication to the role.

As famous as his roles are, Jared Leto is also known for his dedication to his craft. Yes, it’s gone into the weird – like the times he sent his Suicide Squad cast-mates some questionable gifts, including a dead pig and a live rat.

So when it came to his latest, Morbius, perhaps we were looking forward to as much of the behind-the-scenes story as we were the final product. Now, Morbius director Daniel Espinosa has confirmed that yes, Leto was gung-ho about the role.

In a new interview with Uproxx, Espinosa confirmed that Leto did use a wheelchair for bathroom breaks on the set. Apparently, he was committed to using crutches to get around set while filming to get the gait of his character pat down.

However, due to the delay this caused, especially during his bathroom breaks, production suggested he use a wheelchair, to which he agreed.

“I think that what Jared thinks, what Jared believes, is that somehow the pain of those movements, even when he was playing normal Michael Morbius, he needed, because he’s been having this pain his whole life. Even though, as he’s alive and strong, it has to be a difference. Hey, man, it’s people’s processes.” Espinosa said in the interview.

He was also quick to clarify that he never thought of Leto’s process as frustrating.

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“I think the directors that don’t like actors get really frustrated about that,” he said, before adding: “If you want a completely normal person that does only things that you understand, then you’re in the wrong business. Because what’s different is what makes them tick.”

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Check out the trailer for Morbius:

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