Kim Kardashian attempts to explain her, “Get your f***ing a*s up and work” comments she made about women not working hard enough.
Kim Kardashian has recently been met with backlash for her statements in an interview with Variety. Kardashian, who grew up with parents whose net worth’s surpassed $100 million, said this in response to the interviewer asking her why she is still thought of as, “being famous for being famous.”
Kim’s sister Courtney also chimed in, “So true.”
The group continues on, glamourizing hustle culture, talking about how they want to be in rooms with smart people, and telling their fans how their social media ventures, as well as their lifestyle are, “not easy.”
Kim Kardashian went on GMA with Robin Roberts to clarify her comments.
“My message was to anyone who wants to be successful in building a business or brand having come from that very specific space — reality show or social media fame — is to work hard. It’s not easy. You don’t just post something on social media and overnight you become a success.”
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In Kim’s clarifying comments she backtracks to her initial statements and says she was actually addressing a much narrower group (women who are trying to build a business around reality tv or social media fame) despite her words, “It seems like no one wants to work these days.”
Kim continues to shift the blame from herself, this time citing that the context made her statement better.
“It wasn’t a blanket statement towards women or to feel like I don’t respect the work or think that they don’t work hard,” she clarified. “I know that they do. It was taken out of context, but I’m really sorry if it was received that way.”
Kim continues her tone-deaf approach to the situation, “My whole tone and attitude changed with the previous question that went into that question about what advice would you give to women,” Kardashian said. “And the advice that I would give is just that having a social media presence and being on a reality show, does not mean overnight success.”
“You have to really work hard to get there, even if it might seem like it’s easy. And that you can build a really successful business off of social media and you can, if you put in a lot of hard work.”