Skegss are becoming pretty adept at putting on some mind-blowing shows lately, as anyone who has witnessed one firsthand can attest to. However last night’s show might have just set a new standard for a Skegss live show, with a world-renowned artist opening the show, and some pretty crazy antics happening throughout the show.
As you may be aware, Shepard Fairey is in town right now to headline this year’s Vivid Ideas program. Fairey, well known for his street-art artworks, and perhaps best known for his ‘Andre the Giant Has a Posse’ stickers, and Barrack Obama ‘Hope’ posters, has also been making waves while in town for creating his largest artwork to date, visible in George Street in Sydney.
Fairey also decided to delve into the world of Aussie rock last night, as he helped Skegss kick off their second of three sold out shows at The Oxford Art Factory by performing a DJ set, which by all accounts was just as phenomenal and creative as you would expect.
Somehow though, the show get even crazier as it went on, with Aussie artist Jack Irvine jumping into the audience to crowd surf on top of one of Fairey’s acclaimed artworks. Just take a look at this picture and try not to wish you were there to witness this.
With Skegss still set to play a few more shows on their current tour, we can’t help but wonder what they have up their sleeves for their following gigs. We can only hope that the upcoming shows will be just as mind-blowing as last night’s was.