A million dewy, faux-sunkissed, dreams were crushed the day that Laura Mercier announced they would be withdrawing their products from Australia. The makeup brand has accrued a dedicated, cult following. I honestly, to this day, have never felt heartbreak that cut so deep.
Laura Mercier was the answer to all my pleas. I’m just a girl stuck in an inner-city sharehouse, dreaming about being a poised, glowy babe that spends their days frolicking around a Tuscan villa. Laura Mercier gave me that false sense of Meditteranean freedom. Every time I slapped their pearlescent tinted moisturiser on my polluted Sydney skin, I was, for a moment, transformed.
Now, the heavenly gods have come back to give us all a new lease on life. The heavenly gods being Mecca and the lease on life being Laura Mercier. That’s right ladies and gentleman, we’re all getting our glow back. Dust off those cobwebs, because we’re gonna be looking like clones created in an Ania Milczarczyk lab in no time.
LM will be returning to Australia on February 26. Fuck the Queens birthday, this is far more worthy of a public holiday.