Let’s Be Cops (or for New Girl fans, Nick Miller And Coach Go Wild) is an action comedy following Ryan (Jake Johnson) and Justin (Damon Wayans, Jr.), who find themselves dressing up as police officers after a post-fancy-dress-party encounter sees the pair develop a taste for the power and prestige the job endows.
It’s not long before things get out of hand, with Justin eager to put things behind them after a quick Google search reveals the penalties for impersonating police and Ryan’s ego pushes them into conflict with a local crime syndicate.
In terms of tone, substance and style, Let’s Be Cops is very much a film that follows on the trail blazed by 21 Jump Street, though it does occasionally run out of steam and throw out some more crass humor based on racism and homophobia. Johnson and Wayans make strong leads here, not only selling you on the pair’s friendship but also setting up fun dynamics between them. There’s also a fun subplot involving Justin’s stalled career as a games designer that’s enjoyable but doesn’t always mesh with the rest of the story.
The big draw here is the premise – and for the most part, it works. It’s probably not the funniest film you’ll see this year, but it’s a wild ride watching the buddies push their flimsy facade. Let’s Be Cops is a funny film, but it never really crosses over into tell-your-friends-to-see-it territory. That said, the refreshing premise and strong casting make it easy to recommend.
3/5 stars