“A girl in Sierra Leone is more likely to be sexually assaulted than she is to finish high school, but it only takes $300 to give a girl there access to education for a year,” says event organiser and One Girl ambassador, Charlotte Bailey.

Local bands will hold an event for their ‘Do It In A Dress’ Campaign to help raise funds for the charity organisation One Girl, which aims to educate, protect and inspire girls in Sierra Leone and Uganda.

Local Sydney bands Hurst, Sun Sap and Mount Zamia will take to the stage in school dresses for one evening.

100 per cent of the proceeds and donations raised during the event will be given directly to the cause.

Youth media publisher, 5Why, who is the primary sponsor of the event, hopes that this will inspire and encourage young people to get more involved with causes and charity work.

The event will be held at 8pm on Thursday November 3 at the Factory Floor in Marrikville. Tickets costs $15.

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