Our Hero Of The Month is an ex-McDonald’s employee named Tyshaer, who decided to get entrepreneurial by slipping copies of his hip hop mixtape into Happy Meals – a much better bonus than those Pocahontas toys they foisted onto kids back in the day. (John Smith? Gimme a break!)
Of course, somebody complained and he was fired — most likely due it to being named Tales Of A Real N*gga.
Customer Sarah Desmond said of the discovery, “I bought a happy meal for my son and inside came a mysterious CD. I, like any other parent, would assume the CD was for children. I played the CD in my car for my son while we drove home and lord Jesus have mercy on Tyshaer , the mixtape was dreadful.
“Not only was it completely inappropriate, but it was also the weakest set of bars I’ve ever heard.”
BOOM! Apparently Tyshaer had slipped over 300 copies of his mixtape into Happy Meals over the period of a fortnight; we hope for his sake that this story goes viral, his tape blows up, and you’ll be able to hear him on the next Drake record – or at least on the in-store radio station at Macca’s.