While watching back last night’s MAFS episode, Bronte Schofield has revealed that she’s ashamed of the way she reacted when she found out Harrison gave his phone number to another woman.

If you missed the ep, Harrison was caught out when a bride mistakenly overhead that fellow groom Dan had given his number to another woman, however, the groom that had actually handed out his digits was Harrison. After the cast members begun talking about it between themselves, Harrison pulled his TV wife Bronte aside and told her that a woman approached him at a bar and asked for his number. He said that he said no but took hers, and then deleted it straight after.

While Bronte took the revelation well, the other cast members were shocked and appalled, in particular Claire and Melinda who called him out on his behaviour.

During the episode, Bronte defended Harrison and said she trusted him. However, she has since changed her tune.

“Hindsight is a very beautiful thing,” she said on on Fitzy & Wippa this moring. “And, I think people forget that I’m watching this back for the first time along with the rest of Australia.”

“So it’s really upsetting for me to think when he told me about the number that I was actually happy about it. I know that sounds crazy. But it’s because I thought he was actually taking accountability and apologizing for putting me in a position where I wouldn’t have to question his intentions anymore,” she continued.

Bronte explained her defensive reaction was because she didn’t want to be involved with drama at the dinner party again.

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“But don’t get me wrong. The clock’s were ticking, but I just I didn’t want another blow up. But I wish I did because watching him go around and meddle with everyone’s story. And you know the fact he was so willing to throw Dan under the bus and humiliate me in the process. You know, I want to say I’m shocked but am I because it’s Harrison?” She said.

The reality star added that she felt like a fool watching the episode back last night.

“I’s actually upset me guys like watching this back last night. You know, like, it just sucks because I was so… I was stoked that he was actually I thought we were turning a new leaf. And I’m like, everyone change my number in the phone to the clown emoji because I’m a bloody clown.”

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