It goes without saying that the reality TV world is small – most contestants have either dated or know someone from within the bubble. So, it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that Claire from this year’s MAFS is romantically linked to a reality star.
Claire, who married Jesse in last night’s episode, dated MKR alum Pat Calleja who competed alongside frenemy Bianca Braun on the 2019 season.
Claire and Pat were in a serious relationship and broke up shortly before the filming of MAFS season ten commenced.
“Claire had a long-term boyfriend up until three months before filming began in August — they broke up around May,” a source told So Dramatic!
They added, “So I find it very interesting that she is on MAFS so soon [after the breakup].”
The source, who indicated that they knew Claire quite well, told the publication that viewers can expect some spice from the bride this season.
“She does not like it when she is confronted by someone. She will flick a switch very quickly,” they said.
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“I’ve witnessed it all with her. Hair pulling, thrown drinks on guys and girls. She’s a very jealous person and will do spiteful things to get back at you.”
Claire’s reality star ex told the publication that he wishes her the best on her TV debut.
Wow I never saw this coming from her. I am very surprised,” Pat said.
He added: “Good luck to her and fingers crossed she doesn’t get mauled.”
On a related note, Pat is the brother of Tom Calleja, who appeared on the most recent season of The Block alongside his wife Sarah Jane-Wilson.
MAFS season ten premiered on Channel 9 on Monday night and was a rating bonanza. Although it was up against popular shows Survivor: Heroes vs Villains and Australian Idol, it took out the top slot.
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