MAFS star Daniel Holmes was caught driving a car while on a suspended license back in July.
The 30-year-old was due to front court over the incident in August, however, he didn’t show up. Despite not being there, he received an additional six-month driving ban and a fine of $440.
Speaking of the offense, which happened in July, Daniel said it was a “silly mistake”.
“I lost points driving in Queensland just before going on MAFS which led to my license suspension for six months,” he said.
“After MAFS I moved to Sydney, kinda got complacent about the suspension, decided to drive to the movies with Carolina one night and got pulled over of course.
“Was my own silly mistake which led to another six-month suspension.”
Daniel was originally partnered with Jessica Seracino on MAFS and his co-star Carolina was partnered with Dion Giannarelli on MAFS. Jessica left the experiment before Daniel pursued Carolina, however, Carolina was still partnered with Dion when she was secretly meeting up with Daniel and hooking up with him. When the other participants found out about the affair, both Daniel and Carolina received a lot of backlash and were ostracised from the group.
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Daniel and Carolina broke up just days before he was due to appear in court. The reality star took to his Instagram account to share a text note to relay the news to his followers.
I’m getting bombarded so much at the moment, considering all the articles outright know about the status of Carolina and I,” he began the post.
“I think it’s been obvious for a while we have gone our separate ways. ‘There’s no right way to deal with these situations,” he continued, referring to the lack of couples content he and Carolina had posted in recent weeks.
He added: “I wish Carolina all the best and I know she feels the same for me.
“We had a very unique experience together full of every emotion possible but life just has a different plan for us.”
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