MAFS’ Harrison’s mum Noni Boon has slammed Bronte’s sister Kirra after she and Harrison had a showdown during last night’s hometown episode.
In the episode, Kirra met up with Bronte and Harrison for dinner at Tom’s Italian in North Beach, Perth. The formalities didn’t last long before Kirra and Harrison began arguing over his treatment of Bronte. During the fight, Kirra labelled Harrison a narcissist and he stormed out of the restaurant. After Harrison left Bronte took off her ring and said that she and Harrison will get a “divorce”.
It appears as though Harrison’s mum Noni was happy about her son’s portrayal in the episode, as she’s taken to Instagram to slam Kirra’s behaviour, calling it “alcohol fuelled agression”.
“Let’s have a show of hands for who would sit there and let a little girl with no life experience interfere, insult, and cross
every relationship boundary imaginable? I applaud you walking away. I would do the same. Great supportive wife allows this to happen? Oh, that’s right, that was the ‘plan’ all along,” Noni wrote in her first story.
She posted another story in support of her son “applauding” his reaction.
“I saw you being verbally abused by a foul mouthed little girl fueling herself with alcohol. The smartest thing to do is walk
away when you are being attacked. Situations like that need to be diffused,” she wrote.
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In a subsequent story, Noni said that producers wouldn’t let Harrison leave and posted a conversation with a follower in which she said that producers manipulate the footage to produce the narrative that they want.
“What you ‘see’ on the show is what the producers and the network want you to see. Harrison’s answer could be from a
completely different question that was asked three hours prior. His smirk could be from a joke ten minutes ago. His dialogue could be from a whole different conversation. Cutting and pasting is very clever and deceptive,” she said.
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