Easter is fast approaching, and with all that time you’ll no doubt be spending indoors over the holiday period, how about getting creative in the kitchen and making your very own Creme Eggs!

Yep, the secret is out, and it’s not just the good people at Cadbury who know how to put together these classic delicacies anymore. English chocolatier (yes it’s a real job) Paul A Young has decided to share his recipe for the good stuff, and it’s easier than you think to prepare some of these bad boys ahead of Easter Sunday.

Young joined UK morning show This Morning to share the recipe for Creme Eggs, or as he calls them, Fondant Eggs.

The ingredients are pretty straightforward. The real trick is to ensure you temper the chocolate properly, and no, that’s not exactly the same as just melting it.

Just follow the below steps and you’ll be just dandy.

Here’s the recipe for Paul A Young’s Creme Eggs:


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  • 800g chocolate
  • 500g shop bought white fondant
  • 100mls water
  • 100g caster sugar
  • Yellow food colouring (or you could mix saffron or turmeric with water instead)
  • Egg moulds – either homemade or shop bought


  • First, melt your chocolate down in a bain marie – a glass bowl in a pan of boiling water will usually do the trick. Do not – I repeat, DO NOT – do this in the microwave, it’s very easy to burn it.
  • When it’s all melted, pour two thirds of the chocolate onto a marble slab and temper the chocolate with a palette knife and scraped, moving it and spreading it until it starts to solidify.
  • Add it back into the remaining third of melted chocolate and mix it until smooth then pour in to the egg mould.
  • Tap the moulds gently to release any air bubbles, leaving for a few minutes before pouring out the excess.
  • Put it in the fridge for 20 minutes.

For the filling:

  • Put the sugar and water into a pan, heat it gently and dissolve it to make a sugar syrup.
  • Then, cut the fondant icing in half and add the yellow food colouring to half of it.
  • Grate the halves in separate bowls, mixing the sugar syrup into each until they are like buttercream.
  • Then, take the moulds out of the fridge and remove the chocolate (careful, now), and fill each half with white fondant and a blob of yellow to look like an egg.
  • Stick the two halves together and use a little melted chocolate to seal.

If that wasn’t straightforward enough, you can follow along with Paul in the clip below.

Watch Paul A Young create Creme Eggs:

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